zsemlebot info

For questions/issues contact zomle on Twitch or write to my me at zomle.ca address.

It is possible to link your own Twitch and Hota users by yourself, see below.

Available commands

For everyone

Command Description
!elo Displays elo of the current channel owner
!elo [name] Displays elo of the specified twitch/user (if the bot recognizes the username)
!game Displays info about current game of the channel owner
!game [name] Displays info about current game of the specified twitch/user (if the bot recognizes the username)
!opp Displays elo of the opponent in the current game (if any game is in progress)
!rep Displays reputation of current channel owner
!rep [name] Displays reputation of the specified twitch/hota user (if the bot recognizes the username)
!streak Displays win/loss streak of the current channel owner
!streak [name] Displays win/loss streak of the specified twitch/hota user (if the bot recognizes the username)
!today Displays ranked wins/losses of current date for the current channel owner. Game times are based on UTC time, so channel owner must set timezone (see below) for correct results.
!today [name] Displays wins/losss of current date for the specified twitch/hota user (if the bot recognizes the username). Game times are based on UTC time.
!unlinkme [hotaname] Deletes the link between the current twitch user and the hota user

For broadcasters

Command Description
!joinme [twitchname] This command must be used in zomle’s Twitch chat. Makes the bot join the channel. twitchname must be the broadcaster’s own name (just for confirmation)
!leave [twitchname] Makes the bot leave the channel. twitchname must be the broadcaster’s own name (just for confirmation)
!zsemlebot enable [command] Enables the specified command in the current channel. E.g. ‘enable !today’
!zsemlebot disable [command] Disables the specified command in the current channel. E.g. ‘disable !game’
!zsemlebot set timezone [offset] Sets the timezone that’s used in !today command. Format: utc[+-](hours) or utc[+-](hours):(mins). E.g.: utc+2 or utc-5:30, etc.
!zsemlebot unset timezone Unsets the timezone reverting it to it’s default value (utc time)

For broadcasters/mods

Command Description
!game edit [template] (hotauser1) [color] [faction] [trade] (hotauser2) [color] [faction] [trade] … This sets info for current game. Any parameter can be omitted.

For example:

Command Description
!game edit jc will set the template to Jebus Cross, and leave everything else as is
!game edit zsemle red fort will set zsemle to be fortress and red, and leave other info as is
!game edit 6lm10 kifli cove +1500 blue zsemle red necro will set the template to 6lm10, kifli to Cove, Blue and the trade +1500, and zsemle red and necro (also infers -1500 trade)

If there are only 2 players, the main player will be the channel owner, and “opp” will be the opponent.

Also, it is enough to set trade and color for only one of the players, the other will be inferred (automatically set to red/blue and the trade will be the negated of the provided value).

Command Description
!game edit zsemle red inf 500 opp strong will set zsemle to red, inferno, +500 gold, and the opponent to stronghold, blue (inferred), -500 gold (inferred)

Linking your Twitch and Hota users


  1. Join the Hota lobby
  2. Message the konyer user in the Hota lobby: Message konyer
  3. Send a message to konyer: !linkme <twitch name>. For example if your Twitch name is zomle, type !linkme zomle
  4. The bot will respond with an authentication code, that will have to be used on Twitch: Verification code
  5. Now log in to Twitch and join zomle user’s Twitch chat: https://www.twitch.tv/popout/zomle/chat
  6. Send the authentication code in chat in the following format: !linkme <auth code>: Twitch message
  7. Your Twitch user and Hota user should be linked now. The bot will send back a confirmation message.
  1. Log in to Twitch and join zomle user’s Twitch chat: https://www.twitch.tv/popout/zomle/chat
  2. Send the !unlink command to chat in the following format: !unlinkme <hota user>. For example: !unlinkme zsemle
  3. The bot will delete the link between the Twitch and the Hota user.